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Privacy Policy

A privacy policy is a statement that discloses some or all of the ways in which a website collects, uses, discloses and manages visitor and customer information. It complies with the legal requirement to protect the privacy of a visitor or customer.

Countries have their own laws and different jurisdictions regarding the use of a privacy policy. Make sure you follow the laws relevant to your activities and location.

What should be covered in general terms in your privacy policy?


  1. What kind of information do you collect?

  2. How do you collect information?

  3. Why are you collecting the relevant personal information?

  4. How do you store, use, share and disclose your site visitors' personal information?

  5. How do you communicate (if any) with your site visitors?

  6. Is your service aimed at collecting information from minors?

  7. Privacy Policy Updates

  8. Contact information

Inthis supporting article you will learn more about how to create a privacy policy.

However, the explanations and information provided herein are only explanations, information and examples in a general sense. You should not interpret this article as legal advice or as recommendations about what you should actually do. We recommend that you seek legal advice to gain insight and to assist you in drafting your privacy policy.

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